Urban Regeneration – “Extraordinary Maintenance of Helvia Recina Stadium”  – Funded by the European Union’s Next Generation EU

The proposal of enhancement for the general renovation and substantial maintenance of the “Helvia Recina” Stadium in Macerata outlined technical and technological solutions aimed at improving the overall quality of the facility while meeting safety and functionality standards prescribed by current regulations. The design focused on increasing the accessibility and efficiency of indoor and outdoor spaces, as well as the playing fields, adhering to the principles of Universal Design to ensure complete inclusion in sports for individuals with disabilities, physical, sensory and intellectual. The goal of the project was to redevelop the entire sports facility, making it accessible to a broader and more diverse range of users (athletes, fans, staff, volunteers, women, children, etc). The upgraded stadium was also designed to host a wide range of events and activities, thereby enhancing the range of services and opportunities it offers.

To add value and characterise the stadium as a renewed communal space, the enhancement proposal was designed with the intention of creating a systematic architectural redesign of the interior areas of the covered grandstand. The use of colour schemes inspired by the local sports team’s colours, combined with innovative technologies and materials, created a newly functional space that blends thoughtful design choices with accessibility and inclusivity needs.

Particular attention was given to the quality of the selected materials and components proposed, not only to enhance the safety and usability of the spaces, but also to extend their lifespan and reduce associated maintenance time and costs. The result will be a redeveloped facility that is high-performing from an architectural perspective, functionally efficient, technologically advanced, environmentally sustainable and economically viable.

The enhancements proposal focused on the following key areas:

- Playing field and designated pitch areas;

- Seating stand areas;

- North Curve area with new locker rooms;

- Covered grandstand area;

- Outdoor areas;

- Tunnel area;

- Accessibility and removal of architectural barriers.

Al fine di garantire l’ottimizzazione energetico-impiantistica del complesso sportivo, sono state pensate soluzioni innovative e sostenibili – in linea con la normativa vigente e con in principi della bioarchitettura –  volte a contribuire alla riduzione dei dispendi e delle spese energetiche del complesso, con particolare attenzione al miglioramento del comfort interno, e ad assicurare un minor impatto ambientale e climatico dell’opera.

Client: Municipality of Macerata

Location: Macerata

Year: 2023

Construction Cost: € 3.429.538,65

DM Consulting Srl

P. IVA 00981310949


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